Number of pins needed for roof mounting
The minimum number of fixings per square meter coverage depends on:
- the roof Structures
- Roofing manufacturer's recommendations
- the roof shape
- ridge heights
The exception to this rule is area particularly vulnerable to changing weather conditions (In Poland, the most exposed to the wind are the coastal and mountainous) and the specific location on the roof. These are:
- ridge
- the peak
- eaves
SParticular attention should be paid to elements that intersect the surface of the roof and the ridge benches. With more than 65o, spinkami mocujemy wszystkie dachówki. Klamry do mocowania dachówek zabezpieczają je przed zsunięciem i poderwaniem przez wiatr. angle, roof tile clips pinning all roof tiles. Brackets for fixing tiles protect them from sliding off and pickup by the wind. Roofs with a slight decrease (10o), should be mounted on the stiffened surface. Rigidity of the structure is full formwork of the initial foil covering. To not cracked roof tiles, install it using the clips, which bind together the entire roof structure, giving some flexibility.