Dachspin.pl | Roof tile clips

Roof tile clip

This about their use...


Roof tile clips strengthen roof tile construction so you could have tight and safe roof for long years.
Tile accessories
protect your roof from humidity and strong wind. Clips enable to arrange them tight, lessening the risk of gaps among them.
The protection against humidity is based not only on foil but also on tight tiles arrangement (using clips) - no gaps and appropriate surface gradient makes the water dribble down because of gravitation and it doesn’t leak under the tiles. Their right arrangement and fitting in is the base of protection against wind. Ceramic tiles Röben are so called interlocking tiles which means that they remain on the roof under the weight of the following, overlapping surfaces and thanks to the locks.
The locks are situated on the side and at the top of ceramic element – each and every should be “pinned in” to the next one. It is not true that they need to be drilled or nailed.
Basic roof tiles are firmly fixed thanks to their interlocking pins and buckled together with the help of patch clips.Clip Proverbial roof over your head is synonymous to the whole house.
Its strength during sudden blow of wind is the essence of the whole building. Broken roof is a catastrophe and possessions are destroyed. If the structure and surface of the roof is made according to the letter of building art – it can resist weather changes, diurnal weather variation or snow overload. There are many discussions about the quality of roof tiles, just as many meteorological phenomena happening nowadays in Poland – whirlwinds and tornados which within minutes may destroy the whole possessions.
Experts express their opinions on media, conscientiously analyze the reason of building catastrophes caused by the element. The conclusions made by them are generally correct but how to implement them. However, could we get clever after the event?